
Ramadhan and Consumerism Style

By AM Siti Nurwahdania
Student of S1 Statistics Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS)

Bima, Sekilasinfontb.com.- Muslim are now returning to fasting for a whole month. Some ads enlivened social media and television programs starting with the syrup, sheath, and even the muslim outfits offered during Ramadhan. This moment is creates a fast and satisfying society of people.

For example, this month of Ramadhan is used to increase faith and obedience to the almighty God. The month of Ramadhan residence played an important role to increase the religiosity.

But in fact, there’s been a decline in the number of shopping malls. This result can be growing demand for goods during the month of Ramadhan. These are the nuances during of Ramadhan.
Another version of Ramadhan is increasing consumerism.

First of all, Ramadhan is used as a time to show off appearance and beauty. I
think, appearance may be one of the most important things in perfecting worship during Ramadhan. However, the essence of Ramadhan is often neglected and a sad state for some muslims. This can be seen in the shopping behavior of most muslims
during Ramadhan. Many parties take advantage of Ramadhan to take big profits.

Various sales strategies have emerged to influence muslim consumers. According to researchers Wiwik Anggreani et al, the increase in consumerism occurred one month before Ramadhan, after Ramadhan, and one month after Ramadhan.

In addition, some people think that desire to maintain their appearance causes people to buy expensive goods and will be one of the needs that causes they would be consumeristic. Even though not all of the things that they buy are necessities during Ramadhan, but only desire. Ramadhan should be used for more worship, charity, not only individual but also social charities.

Because in this month of
Ramadhan, each practice will be multiplied by its reward. The month of Ramadhan is a month where muslims are taught to refrain from all temptations. But instead, it is not the refrain from all temptations but tries to increase the satisfaction that already there.

To sum up, I believe that the celebration of Ramadhan is in the from of excessive consumption activities that have an impact on decreasing one’s faith. I think that the consumerist lifestyle is also contrary to Islamic teachings, which
encourage people to be simple and not extravagant. So it becomes very important for us that anything that is superfluous is not in accordance with Allah SWT and depending on how well we react to it, (Red).

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